Sunday, August 16, 2009

Stationary Lust

I'm not sure if I've blogged before about my stationary fetish...but it's pretty hard core.

Usually Etsy or Aussie indie designers give me the fix I need, but I definitely gasped when I saw this too cute for words stationary kit from Cath Kidston.

I would looove to carry this little pouch of gorgeousness around in my handbag.


Emma said...

So pretty! I'm a fan of stationery myself. I love sending old-fashioned letters and who doesn't like a good pen? With that cute little bundle in your purse you could just whip up quick design sketches as soon as inspiration hits! You should treat yourself to one :)

rejenerate said...

I know! Although I'm thinking I might try and design and make one for myself instead...if I ever get around to it!! :)