Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Birthday Wish List...Interior Design Books

Whenever friends and family ask me what I want for my birthday I always draw a total blank. Yet the day after my birthday I can think of a million things I should have asked for. What is with that?
So I'm thinking that if I come across something I love online over the coming weeks (my bday is at the end of Feb) I will post it here to remind me so that I can have an answer this year!
I have been eyeing off these (and many other!) interior design books over the last year but can never quite justify the purchase. Perfect wish list items!


The Style Mansion said...

These are lovely birthday wish list items. I hope you get them all!

rejenerate said...

Ha ha...thanks!

One would do though :)

Matt Woods said...

You should also check out Recycled Home by The Baileys, Mrs Smith... It's pretty bloody cool!

rejenerate said...

Way ahead of you Matty...already own that one!

but thanks for the tip and for swinging by x